As per our collective agreement, all wages will be increased by 1.75% on April 1st. Toronto, ON M5E 0C7. 2017 - Arbitration Award. Briefing note regarding negotiated changes for the CUPE Local 233 Collective Agreement. OPS Unified Collective Agreement PDF Download a printable version of the newsletter. Interesting allegations stemming from the new OPSEU leadership's forensic audit of Smokey and the former leadership. Ontario Public Service Correctional Bargaining Unit, Boards of Education and Cultural Institutions, Grievance Awards Database: Links and Resources, OPSEU/SEFPO Convention 2023 Apr 20 to 22, Job Opportunities for Hospital Professionals. The position of the union is this: follow the directive as applied to all healthcare workers, and do not provide any care without the appropriate PPE. We acknowledge this land out of respect for the Indigenous nations who have cared for Turtle Island, also called North America, from before the arrival of settler peoples until this day. Following the mediation part of the proceeding, an arbitration occurred on September 9, 2022. LocationOntario Public ServiceEmployees Union100 Lesmill Rd.Toronto, ONM3B 3P8, Stay in TouchHead OfficeMonday to Friday 8:30 am to 4:30, 2022 Ontario Public Service Employees Union. 2012-2014 CA. Furthermore, yesterday a letter was sent to Doug Ford jointly by OPSEU, SEIU, CUPE, and UNIFOR requesting that 1) the directive be made to apply to all healthcare workers in all settings and in conjunction with all of their unions; 2) the government order the Ontario industry to urgently produce vital products (N95s, testing kits, shields, gowns, gloves, ventilators); and 3) increase testing, particularly among vulnerable populations. If you have any questions regarding this document, please feel free to contact O.P.S.E.U. Is it airborne? New language is included that requires an employee to notify the hospital as soon as possible of the date of a recertification examination so that the employee can be scheduled off to attend. On December 13, 2021, the CEC imposed terms and conditions of work, the second time in history they have done so. If you belive that you are being harassed or discriminated against, contact Gayatri Samaroo or Cori Stadler for immediate assistance. This initiative is in supportof frontline workers, to encourage the Ford government to expand the temporary pandemic pay to include allied healthcare workers. "With all the upheaval the pandemic has caused, at least our hardworking members have one less worry," he said. These agreements are negotiated provincially between OPSEU and the College Employer Council (CEC). OPSEU was established in 1975 as the successor union to the former Civil Service Association of Ontario, which was founded . With the closure or reduction of many of the hospitals services, management has planned to redeploy some staff to other tasks and areas where support is needed. 18, 2022 Today the College Employer Council and the OPSEU academic employees bargaining team representing full-time and part-time faculty, instructors, librarians, and counsellors met at the virtual bargaining table with a Ministry of Labour appointed Mediator. Part Time Collective Agreement. For those who cannot be vaccinated, they must provide a medical letter of exemption (APR), which is subject to approval., OPSEU Local 273 Collective Agreement(HHS). 2015-2017 OPSEU Cor Collective Agreement (Final) Individual employer . Your union is wholeheartedly opposed to this abuse of power, and we will continue to fight every day to support and protect our members. You may download the .pdf for your reference. 2009 Employer Imposed Terms and Conditions. The new collective agreement is now online: Key changes to the agreement have been updated in the following briefing note: Please visit theCUPE Local 3904, Unit 1 Academic Negotiations pageon the Faculty Affairs website. At TMU, we value the contributions of all employee groups. "On my view of the evidence, Ontario was not facing a situation in 2019 that justified an infringement of charter rights," Koehnen said. 04/02/2020 Update: New Steward - Marg Patel; LMC representative and Treasurer - Marg Patel; LMC alternate: Cassie Gervais. So how will this effect us? These local committees or forums must be in place by the end of the first year of the collective agreement. Statement from OPSEU/SEFPO Local 546: and will continue to accrue seniority and maintain their benefit status. In the past, participating hospitals have attempted to disqualify employees from making a claim for related experience in these instances by citing the language that a claim must be made at time of hire. Disclaimer: The online versions of collective agreements are provided for the convenient reference of union group members, management individuals and other interested parties. Effectively, this gives nurses in hospitals the right to decide what PPE to use, and strips all others of that right. LinkedIn, opens new window
We hope that come 2022 we will be able to bargain without restrictions and get fair wages for all of us. Following the mediation part of the proceeding, an arbitration occurred on September 9, 2022. We have won our challenge to Bill 124! But we all need to work together to help our community deal with this crisis and participate where we are needed. Mr. Kaplans award spends every available dollar under the Bill 124 restrictions. 2009-2012 CA. of frontline workers, to encourage the Ford government to expand the temporary pandemic pay to include allied healthcare workers. Due to the limitations imposed by Bill 124, there was a great impact on what Mr. Kaplan could award. New language has been added to ensure that hospitals maintain an adequate supply of N95s or equivalent or better to be made available to our members at the reasonable indications of a pandemic, epidemic or outbreak of an infectious disease in the community served by the hospital. Please visit the Toronto Metropolitan Faculty Association Academic Negotiations page on the Faculty Affairs website. If you ever feel uncomfortable performing a new task, stop and ask your manager or supervisor for training. In the past year, inflation has been only 0.7% so fortunately this year we are actually coming out ahead. In addition to being in compliance with the law, the rationale given for this is that HRH wants to protect staff members and patients from the severe and highly transmissible delta variant, particularly in light of the several patient deaths that have occurred due to hospital-acquired COVID. Hospitals will be able to carry out such measures as: Redeploying staff within different locations in (or between) facilities of the hospital; Redeploying staff to work in COVID-19 assessment centres; Changing the assignment of work, including assigning non-bargaining unit employees or contractors to perform bargaining unit work; Changing the scheduling of work or shift assignments; Deferring or cancelling vacations, absences or other leaves, regardless of whether such vacations, absences or leaves are established by statute, regulation, agreement or otherwise; Employing extra part-time or temporary staff or contractors, including for the purpose of performing bargaining unit work; Using volunteers to perform work, including to perform bargaining work; and. We have won our challenge to Bill 124! In our diversity we will build solidarity as union members. Through our Withdrawal Management Program, we provide a safe environment for clients as they experience withdrawal symptoms; ensuring a calm, respectful and supportive. The document below is the official "document of record" between Ontario Public Service Employees Union (O.P.S.E.U.) The lands we are situated on are covered by the Williams Treaties and are the traditional territory of the Mississaugas, a branch of the greater Anishinaabeg Nation, including Algonquin, Ojibway, Odawa and Pottawatomi. Ontario-Hamilton This position will be located at Hamilton General Hospital Organization Research Status Temporary Hours per week 37.5 Number of Openings 1 Union Code Non Union Employees Minimum. Thank you for your continued support and partnership. Our collective agreement has rules about scheduling, LOAs, layoffs, job security, and much more. Ontario Tech University is the brand name used to refer to the University of Ontario Institute of Technology. Under s7.0.1 theEmergency Management and Civil Protection Act, they have issued a temporary (14 day) directive for hospitals to create redeployment plans to supersede collective agreements. Read More, As you may have seen, the LCBO has released a statement sharing that we are responding to a cybersecurity incident affecting I vehemently stand by the idea that PPE must be made available at the point of care, to all healthcare professionals in all healthcare settings. September 29, 2021 The Society's Ontario Power Generation (OPG) Local is heading to mediation-arbitration to secure a new collective agreement for its 3,500 members. General Membership Meeting: Tuesday February 4, 2020 at 4 pm, Location: Breast Health Conference Room in Medical Imaging, "Treasurer" - vacant LEC position (candidate must be a union steward), The agenda will be as follows: However, understand that supply is limited. WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER! It hurts us all to take away those rights. We are all essential, and it's about time that we were all recognized for it! The first change was the inclusion of payment for the employment insurance waiting period. If you have any problems or concerns, please send us an email. Effective April 1, 2024 Introduction of a $100 health care spending account for active full-time employees. OPSEU/SEFPO First Vice-President/Treasurer Eduardo (Eddy) Almeida is happy that OPS Unified members can look forward to three years of labour peace. What can I grieve and how do I go about it? In the past year, inflation has been only 0.7% so fortunately this year we are actually coming out ahead. December 31, 2022 MPAC Collective Agreement.pdf. It is also only for when these duties are specifically assigned to you, and not to be used broadly in your practice. University of Ontario Institute of Technology document.write(new Date().getFullYear()). Providing appropriate training or education as needed to staff and volunteers to achieve the purposes of a redeployment plan. OPSEU/SEFPO has launched a Charter challenge of the bill, and a reopening clause is part of the agreement, should the challenge succeed. We also share information about your use of our site with our social media, advertising and analytics partners who may combine it with other information that youve provided to them or that theyve collected from your use of their services. Shop OPSEU Enterprises: Member Discount Programs. This agreement commits the parties to working collaboratively to create more inclusive and equitable workplaces and to work towards dismantling systemic racism. Ontario Tech acknowledges the lands and people of the Mississaugas of Scugog Island First Nation. "It is through our positive ongoing working relationship with full-time support staff that we were able to come to a deal before the previous collective agreement expired," said Management bargaining ChairPascal Bessette, Vice-President Human Resources and Organizational Culture at La Cite College. While a full Vintages Updates and Letters to the Trade, Merchandising Promotions Tracking System (MPTS), Collaborative Planning Forecasting Replenishment (CPFR), Know Your Obligations Financial Reporting & Payment Remittance, Ontario Wines Direct Delivery to LCBO Stores Program, Ontario Small Distillers Direct to LCBO Stores Program, Purchase of beverage alcohol by Diplomatic Missions, Consular Posts, and International Organizations, Trade led Product Knowledge Educational Videos, Product Consultant Development Days (ON HOLD DUE TO COVID), Call for Trade Led Product Knowledge Videos, Update on LCBO Cybersecurity incidentand availability of, RATIFICATION OF LCBO/OPSEU COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT. 10/04/2020 Update: Directive #5 has now been updated to include all healthcare workers in acute and long-term care. These allegations don't shock me, during Smokey's era OPSEU management went hard against its own staff unions and had numerous battles at the OLRB and arbitration about a toxic work environment, people getting fired out of retribution etc. The lack of clarity is causing too much anxiety and also potentially putting healthcare workers at risk. The ruling states that "it is not a reasonable limit on a right that can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society under s.1 of the Charter". A clarity note has been added to provide recognition that the language is not limited to voice calls. Thank you all so much for participating in the petition for pandemic pay. Always check with your local reps on issues to ensure you have the most current interpretation. Please choose PPE based on scientific evidence and professional standards, and in consideration of your colleagues on the front line caring for COVID positive patients. Thank you all for your continued hard work and dedication. 4. In practice, these grievances are often designated to the Chief Human Resources Officer. It is incredibly kind and compassionate, and we are all proud of you! 2005-2009 CA. Please join us if you are available: 855 703 8985 Canada Toll-free Please post on social media pictures of yourselves (no patients or private info) with your job title and any of the following hashtags: #inthistogether #wemattertoo #weRessential #weRallfrontline. I've looked through their website and tried internet searches but the results I'm getting are for past agreements. the peaceful settlement of disputes and to set forth agreement covering rates of pay and other working conditions which shall supersede all previous agreements and arrangements between the University and the staff members represented by the Union. OPSEU is holding an online day of action tomorrow (Wednesday May 13th) to promote our cause. Shift and weekend premiums: Effective April 1, 2022: Increase evening premium by 11 cents Allied healthprofessionals from hospitals all over Ontario have beendemonstratingand we hope that our message will finally get through! "The bargaining team has scored a large number of gains, and I'm extremely proud of their hard work at the table," said OPSEU/SEFPO President Warren (Smokey) Thomas. Orange shirts can be worn to affirm our commitment that everyone around us matters, and also in commemoration of Phyllis Webstad, whose orange shirt was taken away on the first day of school. In Ontario, the TSSA conducts mandatory safety inspections for most powered mechanical installations in construction and industrial settings. Read More, As previously shared, LCBO has experienced a cybersecurity incident affecting online sales through Do not block traffic, and cover your sign if you take it inside. We will have signs made for you to carry, and we are arranging for. Terms of the agreement have not been released as both sides need to ratify it over the next few weeks. We listen; we hear the concerns of our unions. We are tremendously disappointed to inform you all of some changes that have been announced by the provincial government. You also have the option to call in to listen, but you will not be able to to vote. Members are welcome to request any items to be added to the agenda, preferably ahead of time to permit for adequate preparation. Change in 11.04(b)(iii) from on the unit to in the department to be consistent with the language used in the rest of the article. It covers more than 16,000 members of HSA along with members of the Hospital Employees Union (HEU), the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE), the Professional Employees Association (PEA) and the BC Government Employees Union (BCGEU). In addition, employees working over 100 hours per month would receive lump sum payments of $250 per month. We are holding our annual general membership meeting on December 6th at 4-6 pm in the auditorium. We look forward to seeing everyone there! Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG), HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning), Machine Tools, Metalworking and Metallurgy, Aboriginal, First Nations & Native American, Ontario Public Service Employees Union (OPSEU/SEFPO). This increase would provide $4 per hour worked on top of existing hourly wages for qualified employees (regardless of the employee's hourly wage). Collective Agreements Set Campus COVID-19 Information Collective Agreements COPE Canadian Office and Professional Employees' Union CUPE Canadian Union of Public Employees IUOE International Union of Operating Engineers LUFA Lakehead University Faculty Association OPSEU Ontario Public Service Employees Union UNIFOR Toronto - Fifteen months after the commencement of a round of bargaining that included the largest work-to-rule faculty job action in the history of Canadian Colleges and Universities, labour negotiations between OPSEU/SEFPO's college faculty division . We have all been suffering under an immense and unending burden, and this is yet another struggle for us. The language in this article is a duplication of the language in article 16.03 (overtime definition). A Cisioncompany. We are working closely with labour management and OPSEU on redeployment, so if you have any concerns please reach out to us. Regardless of the position taken on the issue, as it stands, we must be in compliance with the law until such time as it is changed. The bargaining team has scheduled two virtual information sessions for July 13. YouTube, opens new window
Come out and let your voices be heard! The three-year deal covers some 26,000 members of the union's OPS Unified Division, which groups all direct provincial government employees except for corrections workers. 12/05/2020 UPDATE: All emergency orders have been extended until June 2, 2020. The three-year deal. Join Us. 09/04/2020 - PPE USE and CMOH Directive #5. The ruling states that "it is not a reasonable limit on a right that can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society under s.1 of the Charter". 130 Queens Quay East, Suite 606 Toronto, Ontario M5A 0P6, Phone: (647) 258-7700 Fax: (647) 258-7719. YouTube, opens new window
Facebook. 14/03/2020 - Ontario government supercedes collective agreement rights. "As you know, there are a number of bargaining agents in the health care sector, and each has the statutory responsibility and right to speak for its respective members. Course Calendar & Assignment Table: FALL 2022 - SEPTEMBER 13 - DECEMBER 20, 2022 LAW 4110- 450- Employment Law 1The evaluation plan above indicates details on how you will be graded in the online delivery of this course. While a full New language is included to ensure that the union is invited to attend return-to-work meetings. OPSEU, the union representing TSSA inspectors, have continued to strike since July 21 after both parties failed to reach a new collective agreement for inspectors. Adobe Acrobat Reader (or an equivalent PDF reader) must be installed on your computer to view them. Facebook, opens new window
This is a huge victory for public sector workers, especially healthcare professionals like ourselves who have worked tirelessly and thanklessly throughout COVID to save the lives of innumerable Ontarians. LOU #4 Commitment to Equity, Diversity and Inclusivity. Our collective agreement is set to expire on March 31 2022. What's in this thing and how does it effect me? Through a ratification vote, 80 per cent of membership voted in support of the new terms. 2.0 Budget for 2020 If you need any assistance, or if you have any questions, feel free to contact us and we will try to help! Unfortunately we have limited rights to fight against this. The last Collective Agreement expired September 30, 2021. This was enacted as a federal statutory holiday, making it a paid day off for most federal employees (bank employees, postal workers, etc.). Application Deadline: January 12, 2023 - We believe in recovery. 3.0 Election of 2 union stewards OCOT Collective Agreement - OPSEU Local 503 Collective Agreement UPDATE - December 29th, 2015 Please click below to access the OPSEU Local 503 Ontario College of Trades Collective Agreement for 2015 to 2018. We are proud that in working with the unions weve had no labour disruptions on our campus for the past 30 years. A primary care physician model working together with the interdisciplinary team providing care to acutely ill patients, primarily geriatric population, including patients with multi system chronic. However, Mr. Kaplans award includes the maximum allowable wage increase of one per cent and other improvements to our priority items, including benefits, premiums and vacation. They were primarily active from the passage of the 'Indian Act' in 1876, and attended by around 150,000 individuals, with the final school closing in 1997. Even if you do not want to file a grievance, we can help you resolve issues privately with management, or bring it forth to the labour relations council. The arbitrator's award will form the new collective agreement and it is. The fight against COVID is not strengthened by creating poorer working conditions. Collective Agreement July 2, 2019 to June 30, 2022 OPSEU Local 596 - July 2, 2019 to June 30, 2022 Disclaimer: The online versions of collective agreements are provided for the convenient reference of union group members, management individuals and other interested parties. We are excited to announce that the Pop Up Shop promotional display, currently featured in store 511 and 217 will be expanding into store 164 in fall of the The recipient language has been updated to ensure the local president receives a copy of the form. It is truly inspiring to see our members united and engaging in social activism. 1.01 It is the general purpose of this Collective Agreement to: (a) maintain and improve harmonious relations and settle conditions of employment; (b) recognize the mutual value of joint discussions and negotiations in all matters pertaining to working conditions, employment and services as provided in this collective a. For more information on how collective bargaining works, see below. To achieve the purposes of a redeployment plan designated to the former Service! Of clarity is causing too much anxiety and also potentially putting healthcare workers and unending burden and! # 4 Commitment to Equity, diversity and Inclusivity & quot ; document of &! The next few weeks campus for the CUPE Local 233 collective agreement it... Ontario Tech University is the official & quot ; document of record & quot ; document record. 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