Scheduling for New Yorkers This ties back to some extent to the feeling of accomplishment. The NYC Social Sports Club (NYCSSC) is a co-ed league started in 2004. Register as full team, a group of friends or as an individual for beginner thru advanced coed NYC soccer leagues in Manhattan, Brooklyn & Queens, NY. You can form a team or join as a free agent. 5:30 p.m. - Soccer/Futsal. Watch on. Intramural Leagues. The NYGFL is a seven-on-seven LGBT flag-football league with approximately 200 participants and 18 teams open to players at all levels of ability. Enjoy playing as part of a team and test yourselves against other halls, societies and courses! Staying in shape means staying interested and keeping variety. Skill Level Tuesday 18:00 - 20:00 Badminton David Ross Sports Village Sports Hall. Fees range from $30-70 per person for a season, depending on the sport. Especially if you do this with coworkers, it can work wonders for the quality of your work environment. An additional psychological benefit is the feeling of achievement that comes with victories in the sport you play. The prices below cover the whole team for all fixtures during the season. Players can sign up as individuals or form a team with friends or coworkers and sign up together. Registration is open to teams and individuals of all skill levels. But it can be hard to schedule free time for yourself amidst all your adult obligations. Games for the spring season are scheduled each weekend from April through August. The truth is that there are basketball leagues in NYC that are suitable for basically all ages and skill levels. League Summary Before activating the free IMS Membership, please ensure you have logged in to Legend with your University e-mail credentials, do NOT register with your personal e-mail account. Travel Soc or as a group of friends. UoN Students without a Sport and Fitness membership. As youre rewarded for these small accomplishments with dopamine, it gives you more motivation to achieve the bigger goals in your life as well. RocHoops 5 on 5 Basketball leagues: 2 Divisions Men's 35+ Tuesday nights and Coed 18+ Thursday Nights: Games will be played at the Ryan R Center 6pm, 7pm, and 8pm. Founded in 2010, NoPro was created to strengthen the non-profit community in New York and contribute back to the organizations players work for. (credit: NY Urban Professionals Athletic League). Many sports offer both competitive and recreational leagues and most are played twice a week, Monday through Thursday between 5 PM and midnight. Our Societies and Social sport programme offers all the sports below and you can sign up for more than one sport or league. All of our games are at Manhattan facilities between FiDi and 96th St near major subway lines, Premium Staff at Every Game For more information, go to From both a literal and a social standpoint, youre all on the same playing field, and thats a very good feeling. If your query isn't answered above, please contact the below. Join Intramural Sports. Happy hours are also organized so players can mingle with other teams after games. Gym memberships can only take you so far consider checking out intramural sports leagues to further your gym fix. Check out our indoor options this winter. Fees are $100 per season, and individual drop-in fees are $15 a game. Train with real coaches with weekly sessions throughout NYC. The emphasis is on the word social. It might take the form of kicking a ball around or throwing a frisbee, but its not really about how athletic you are or how many games you win. All other marks contained herein are the property of their respective owners. You will be playing the team next to you which will make it easy to mingle and meet your opponents. Open/Close Menu Intramural Sports Leagues for Young Professionals Skip to content As the only axe throwing venue in Manhattan, we offer a safe environment in which to hone your inner Viking and compete against other axe throwers. You probably spend the majority of each weekday working, and you need a break from that every so often. NoPro Sports is a non-profit league open to non-profit workers in the city. Some clubs focus on a specific sport, while others have a variety of activities to choose from. Youre all there primarily to have fun, so it doesnt matter how good everyone is at the sport. Sign up to unlock our digital magazines and also receive the latest news, events, offers and partner promotions. Social sports leagues come with a large number of advantages for everyone involved. The Intramural Sports program provides a quality recreational sports experience for a diverse university community. Try another? Register for the Charity Cup, Donate below or visit If youre going through something stressful at work or at home, the physical element of sports can let you work off that stress. SF State's intramural sports accept all students, staff, and faculty who register on the IMLeagues app. Please enter valid email address to continue. The ice is almost immediately broken. Visit www.nyurban.comto download forms and see schedules. Terms & Agreements Phone: 409-740-4457. New Yorkers may always be rushing off to the next thing, but it seems almost impossible to meet new people. Dj vu! Enjoy playing as part of a team and test yourselves against other halls, societies and courses! Leagues fill quickly, so save the date of Friday, Dec. 2 and see below for sport-specific registration times! Even if you've never set foot on a basketball court, you can learn to play at one of the club's beginner clinics. The New York Urban Professionals Athletic League offers year-round men's and women's basketball, coed, men's and women's volleyball, as well as open-play volleyball in Manhattan. NYC Social offers coed leagues for everyone to become involved and join in on the excitement. Intramural Sports Campus Recreation Intramural Sports programs allow the campus community to participate in a variety of different tournaments and leagues. More than 80,000 people have played and over a million dollars has been donated so far. sports leagues! Year-round play - All games played at one location
We have divisions for all standards, including Over 30, Over 40 and Masters (Men's, Women's and Coed. For more information, go to Runners New YorkYouve seen them during the Pride March, stopping to do push-ups and sprints, and giving out their Nice Legs stickers. 2023 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved. These meetings will be held in the Student Recreation Center Meeting Room. Why Did We Write This Guide? Beginners classes are on the first Sunday of each month, while more serious competitors can take part in the club's annual tournament. This league consists of an no pass rush Open league. Individual or Team Enrollment Options. Fees are generally low, and typically cover uniforms and equipment, gym or field fees, referees, and league administration. Intramural Sports Play Passes are required to participate in any of our intramural sports leagues, tournaments, or events. Find out more about IMS Netball at the University by contacting our IMS Exec here. Physical activity leads to the release of endorphins in your brain, which encourage positive feelings. At the start of the season, each team picks a charity to play for and if the team wins, Zog donates to their cause. If your workout is becoming a bore or you just want to meet some fun new people, here are five great places to find intramural sports leagues in the city: Founded by Robert Herzog after 9/11, Zog Sports is a co-ed club that combines athletic, social and charitable opportunities. You or your team will be allocated matches each week within the time slot given by your league organiser. Members and guests must be at least 16 years of age. Teamwork requires communication and accountability above all else, and most people need those qualities in their jobs. / CBS New York. NYC sports leagues Adult Social Sports - Play Sports. IMLeagues is a website specifically designed for college intramural sports departments. *UoN Sport and Fitness Membership is required for badminton, squash and table tennis weekly leagues. If you are a returning student, prior to joining please check your home screen, if you hold a full UoN sport membership, you do not need to activate an IMS Access Card. These mentalities can prove a huge benefit to you in other areas of life, especially in a work environment. University of Nottingham Sport run one of the largest intramural sports programmes (IMS) in the country with over 3,000 students taking part every year. Become Free Agent Individual Player Get browser notifications for breaking news, live events, and exclusive reporting. Intramural Sports are recreational sports organized within a particular constitution, usually an educational union, or a set geographic area. Who Can Play Each game is followed by a party . Showing events for Tuesday. Items marked with an asterisk (*) are for Chelsea Piers Fitness members only. Raised in Nashville and the Virgin Islands and schooled at American University in Washington, DC, she now lives in New York City. Either way, it doesnt matter you dont have to be a sports person to enjoy social sports. Email: Office: Sea Aggie Fitness Center, Room 200. Together, we've organized sports for 10 years for over 24,000 players and managed 340 recreational leagues. Intramural Sports We offer a variety of sport leagues and tournaments during the fall and spring semesters. Tel: 212 . Team fees are between $1,100-$1,200 per season for adult leagues. Volo Sports - Largest and best Coed adult Social Sports leagues in . For more information, go to BumsIt's free to sign up for this social club, which organizes local events and group trips to resorts around the world. Plus, as you spend more time playing the sport, you can become good enough at it that you grow in confidence as well. Major League Soccer Soccer ClubsSporting Goods Website 27 YEARS IN BUSINESS (212) 450-1200 420 5th Ave Fl 7 New York, NY 10018 CLOSED NOW From Business: Founded in 1996, the Major League Soccer is a professional soccer league in the United States. Either way, you probably havent spent much time considering the idea of having an intramural sports experience as an adult. We've played, managed, and coached a lot of sports. 8 Games plus playoffs. YOUR ACCOUNT Social sports allow you to have new experiences and meet new people. Such an environment can be very discouraging, preventing you from being able to treat many of your coworkers as equals. This winter's confirmed trips include Niseko, Japan (Feb 21Mar 2), and Zermat, Switzerland (Mar 2330). There's a huge range of sports available on a weekly basis and it's a great way to play right here on campus with your friends. General Questions: IMPORTANT THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT INTRAMURALS In that case, the sport can do a lot to help you bond, letting you spend some quality time together in a fun environment. October 13, 2011 / 6:00 AM Since youre working as part of a team and engaging in a physical activity, any first-meeting awkwardness is kept to a minimum. If you are playing in one of our badminton, sqaush or table tennis leagues then UoN sport and fitness membership is required. Day passes are available. In the case of inclement weather, use the Rain Out . Division for everyone! The fall season runs from mid-September to mid-November. We offer around the clock live chat,phone,and email support for both administrators and participants! For more information, go to Year-round play - All games played at one location, Professional Referees & League Management. Over 10,000 members participate each year in full seasons of soccer, kickball, bowling, mini golf, dodgeball, kickball, broomball, flag football, ultimate Frisbee and inner-tube water polo. For you to be successful, you have to employ trust and team strategies. If you are playing in any of our other IMS leagues, UoN Sport and Fitness membership is not required. We offer two sets of sports leagues per semester (Fall 1, Fall 2, Spring 1, Spring 2). Intramural Sports Various levels of competition are offered in both team and individual/dual activities and opportunities are offered for men's, women's or co-ed play. Find out more about IMS Basketball at the University by contacting our IMS Exec here. Email us for a welcome to NYC discount code. Additionally, officials work with our self-officiated sports including ultimate frisbee and tennis, as well as one-day tournaments and sports we may contract outside officials for (ice hockey, etc. You don't need an expensive monthly gym membership to stay in shape in the city. Free Agents Individual Players will have bonus opportunity to attend free agent scrimamges prior to start of season. Right off the bat, you might be thinking, Im not a sports person. IMS Varsity takes place annually in May with the venues alternating between Nottingham and Loughborough. If you are a returning student, prior to joining please check your home screen, if you are a PAYG Student, select membership details and select change, select IMS Access Card. Most leagues have games once a week. Championship Prize for each Division
Playing an intramural sport is a great way to meet new people, reconnect with sports you love or try something new. With dine-in and takeaway services through Deliveroo and Uber Eats, Wraps & Wings offers a range of deluxe burgers, sides, sweets and drinks for all to enjoy. Whatever the case, these fun, friendly NYC gay sports leagues offer a decidedly more authentic sporting experience than you'll find in one of our local gay sportsbars. Find out more about IMS Volleyball at the University by contacting our IMS Exec here. Adult Sports Leagues Registration To register and pay for Adult Sports Leagues click here for R-Central online. Particularly in the work world, the structure of every organization seems to be rooted in who ranks above or below whom. Spring (February through May) and fall. NYCSSC also donates to charities by holding flip cup tournaments at sponsor bars, with proceeds going to a number of causes. Login Successes are marked by moving up the corporate ladder, while failures are marked by stagnating on a single rung or even moving down. Founded in 2010, NYC Footy is a collection of thousands of creative humans from all walks of life, coming together on and off the pitch to enjoy the beautiful game. GET BETTER AT SOCCER BetterPlayer brings expert coaching to groups of players and teams looking for training & development. Everyone is mainly there to spend time together and enjoy themselves, so even if your team loses every game you play, you can still have a lot of fun being there and laughing about it with each other. Meet People. Ranging from beginner to a competitive collegiate level. Wall Street Benefits ZogSports Kickball. Charli James is a 20-something writer, reporter and editor. Enjoy playing as part of a team and test yourselves against other halls, societies and courses! If possible romance is part of your motivation for joining a team, make sure you pick one that will give you access to whatever group of people youre interested in. 2012 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved. League; Sunday Coed Soccer - Spring 2017 Maybe you want to play competitive soccer again or perhaps youre here to try something new. CSB/SJU policies for participating in intramurals. . Meeting new people doesnt always have to be about making new friends. NYCSSC also donates to charities by holding flip cup tournaments at sponsor bars, with proceeds going to a number of causes. Intramural and Club Sports Coordinator: (Vacant) Phone: 409-740-4514. Like with trying new things, doing so throughout your life can reduce your risk of health problems like heart attacks and falls in your old age. Work with NYC Basketball League 6 p.m. - Flag Football. Have a question about your league? 2023 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved. EUSU. Look out for your first newsletter in your inbox soon! Why IMLeagues? Maybe youre someone whos comfortable trying online dating or picking up people at bars, but a lot of people arent, and social sports give you the opportunity to meet someone in person and get to know them naturally before making a move. Fees range from $30-70 per person for a season, depending on the sport. Enjoy playing as part of a team and test yourselves against other halls, societies and courses! Or, if you don't want to commit to a season of play, you can opt to participate in our tournaments. For more information, go to Tennis Group MTG provides year-round opportunities to play recreational and competitive tennis at venues around the city. Have Fun! The league works with a team of more than 125 players from over 45 2. Once registered, please link your membership online to self-swipe using the instructions here. Tuesday 21:00 - 22:00 Tennis Nottingham . Mission Statement. If your workout is becoming a bore or you just want to meet some fun new people, here are the five best places to find intramural sports leagues in the city. SPOTS STILL AVAILABLE FOR THE BELOW LEAGUES STARTING IN JANUARY. All Rights Reserved. Social sports leagues come with a large number of advantages for everyone involved. according to Need help registering? If your workout is becoming a bore or you just want to meet some fun new people, here are five great places to find intramural sports leagues in New York City. Biggest & Longest Running Season! Sports leagues include: Basketball; Flag Football; Volleyball; . Whether you're new to New York City or you've been living here for years, you may be looking for more information regarding joining a recreational sports league. Find out more about IMS Badminton at the University by contacting our IMS Exec here. Members also pay a reduced rate for MTG playing events. We offer team leagues on set days and weekly individual leagues. We ask that you consider turning off your ad blocker so we can deliver you the best experience possible while you are here. We can help! Intramural Sports provides BGSU students/faculty/staff a wide variety of competitive activities for players of all skill levels and interests. All skill levels are welcomed and encouraged to participate. We utilize to register and schedule Intramural Sports leagues. Its not like a school or professional team. Intramural Sports Campus Recreation's Intramural Sports program offers a wide variety of team and individual sports through organized leagues and tournaments. 2011 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved. Major sports: Four- to five-week seasons with games occurring Mondays through Thursdays.. During registration, teams may provide . Founded in 1996, the Major League Soccer is a professional soccer league in the United States. Last year they fielded over 2,500 teams. NYC FOOTY: MORE THAN JUST A COED SOCCER LEAGUE. When you strengthen your ability to be accountable to people and talk to them about things, your coworkers will be sure to notice. Begins October 17, 2022. Whether its a simple act of successfully passing a ball or a greater accomplishment like winning the game, sports give you many different opportunities to succeed at what youre there to do. Find out more about IMS Touch Rugby at the University by contacting our IMS Exec here. Advanced to Beginner Casual skill levels! Our adult leagues welcome players of all abilities levels - from beginner to advanced - with the option to enroll as an individual or a team. Our newsletter hand-delivers the best bits to your inbox. Fees are around $125 for an individual per season or $15 per single open play game. Visit to view current activities and register. You can register an entire team, a small group of friends, or as an individual. Likewise, you can use social sports as a way of spending time with a significant other as a couple. We have trained statisticians at each game who use our tablet app to provide full statistics and shot chart data each time you play. It may be that you have slightly more or less experience at that sport than someone else, but there arent generally any sort of tryouts or evaluations. with our detailed statistics and shot chart. Thanks for subscribing! For only $15 per term (or $25 per year if purchased during fall term), Campus Rec members can play in any and all leagues offered in a term, which consist of a four-week season, followed by one night of playoffs for the top four teams in each division. 100% Free IMLeagues is completely free to use, this includes Intramurals, Clubs, Fitness, and of course our apps! Beginning in August, practices will be Mondays and Wednesdays at Randalls Island Field, 79pm. Teams are assigned randomly to keep the competition and the social aspect balanced. "C" League: This league is for teams and participants that want to play for fun and have lower skill levels. Gotham Soccer League Basketball seasons include eight games plus divisional playoffs, and volleyball teams play 10 matches. First published on February 28, 2012 / 6:00 AM. If you work in the non-profit sector, this is a great way to meet others in your field! Find out more about IMS Tennis at the University by contacting our IMS Exec here. Intramurals Intramural Sports Campus Recreation's Intramural Sports program offers a wide variety of team and individual sports through organized leagues and tournaments. Check out Taco Tuesdays every week at Brooklyn Boulders from 7pm to 10pm, then go to Oaxaca Tacos for postclimb carbo-loading. Intramural Sports Handbook 2022-2023. Payments & Individual Player Draft, about league Geog Soc, for a society, e.g. Just show up, check in, grab your shoes, and play. Whether you're looking to network, or you're. As a kid, theres a good chance you were involved with a sports team or two. Find out more about IMS Table Tennis at the University by contacting our IMS Exec here. All events require registration or membership. Contact Us, BENEFITS Enjoy playing as part of a team and test yourselves against other halls, societies and courses! Office Hours Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. (434) 592-3148 Hoboken Adult Soccer League (HASL) Location, location, location. Reserve a Court Intramural Sports offers a variety of sports leagues designed to promote a competitive and fun environment. Over 10,000 members participate each year in full seasons of soccer, kickball, bowling, mini golf, dodgeball, kickball,. In addition, adult basketball and volleyball leagues are operated by Zog Sports. A few of the features include online sign-up and scheduling, customizable team pages, message boards, and much more. 1. Buses leave campuses at 1.00pm on Wednesdays with 4 pick up points from the below locations: All buses return at 4pm to their original stops. Enjoy playing as part of a team and test yourselves against other halls, societies and courses! Intramural Sport Intramural All-Stars. Intramurals are intramural sports leagues, tournaments, and competitions that take place within a single university. Photo Credit: NY Urban Professionals Athletic League. There are various Play Passes available for purchase through IMLeagues. Intramural Sports employs more than 30 officials and supervisors each quarter for five sports: basketball, broomball, flag football, soccer and volleyball. ! Sign up with your team or as a free agent, see deadlines and register online on IMLeagues. The meeting points are throughout Hoboken, Weehawken, and Jersey City. Maybe youre new to NYC and looking to make friends. Youre not just spending quality social time with the people on your team youre working together with them to accomplish a goal. We are committed to keeping our community safe. Targeting young professionals, Zog has leagues in basketball, bowling, dodgeball, football, hockey, kickball, soccer, softball, volleyball and wiffle ball. Leagues range from casual to very competitive, and participants can register as individuals or as a team. For more information, go to these riders for midweek training rides, weekend day trips and more. Some leagues have options for individual registration, so even if you haven't been able to round up a . Please enter valid email address to continue. YP, the YP logo and all other YP marks contained herein are trademarks of YP LLC and/or YP affiliated companies. New Experiences. The Live Axe Throwing League in NYC is a special venue located on Lafayette Street in Tribeca. It can lead to you finding things you didnt know you enjoyed, and if you hadnt tried it, youd never have found out. Intramurals are played for fun, but many leagues can get very competitive if you're looking for aggressive action. If you work in the non-profit sector, this is a great way to meet others in your field. Download the IMS app to register your details. Five 7-week seasons are offered each year, as well as pickup games, individual tournaments and social activities. Athletes 18 years and over can enjoy a vast array of facilities, classes, leagues and programs all led by an unparalleled team of accomplished coaches, teachers and directors. Practices take place each Sunday at the LGBT Center; the cost per practice is $10, and drop-ins and first-timers are welcome. Wall Street League, 2019 NYC Basketball League | Terms | Privacy Policy. Join an Existing Team If you are a new student who has never held a UoN sport membership before and wish to activate an IMS Membership, please complete the joining process (steps below). For more information, go to WrestlingMetro is a gay-friendly freestyle wrestling club. We are proud to say that Wraps & Wings are the headline sponsor for the IMS programme for the 2022/2023 academic year. Targeting young professionals, Zog has leagues in basketball, bowling, dodgeball, football, hockey, kickball, soccer, softball, volleyball and wiffle ball. No membership is required for monthly singles and doubles parties, but you'll need to join to participate in championships and seasonal league competitions. Spring (February through May) and fall (September through December) seasons are available. You don't need an expensive monthly gym membership to stay in shape in the city. Get the biggest bang for your buck and practice your skills in a fun, team environment with Intramural leagues. Sign up fast when registration is openspots go quickly. And where many varieties of sports focus on the competitive element, social sports are different. Over 10,000 members participate each year in full seasons of soccer, kickball, bowling, mini golf, dodgeball, kickball, broomball, flag football, ultimate Frisbee and inner-tube water polo. Get instantly emailed a $100 credit and half off reversible jersey upgrade you can use toward signing up a team for our Fall Season! Games are played in Brooklyn, Queens and Manhattan. Theres certainly no guarantee that youll meet your life partner on your sports team, but anythings possible. Manhattan Chinatown Field at Sara D. Roosevelt Park, Williamsbuurg / Ridgewood Grover Cleveland Park. By entering your email address you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy and consent to receive emails from Time Out about news, events, offers and partner promotions. We have a solution. Default Form. 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